Tag Archives: sit up

Workout #1

workouts 2

My wife belongs to a club which sent out workouts to help its members start a fitness program in the new year. These exercises do not require any equipment, just your own body weight to give you a complete workout of your whole body. They consist of half of the exercises in the scientific 7-minute workout. The big difference is that instead of doing each for 30 sec. in succession for high intensity, you do each exercise a specified number of times. Some look deceptively simple but are in fact quite challenging for couch potatoes.

25 Squats http://vimeo.com/117387264

20 Alternating lunges http://vimeo.com/117387384

10 Push Ups http://vimeo.com/117387492

20 Sit Ups http://vimeo.com/117387586

80 Bionic Jacks http://vimeo.com/117387686

Wall Sit 60 seconds http://vimeo.com/117387839

Repeat 3 or 4 times with a 1 minute break between rounds. However, unless you’re fit to begin with, you’ll probably need a longer break, and a likely pause in between the jumping jacks as well! Another workout will be issued next week so you don’t get into a rut and lose the training effect. Have fun as you lose some weight and gain some muscles!